That's my bedroom window, and then the beach at Surfers Paradise.
Tonight I had my first training session with the Division 1 Labrador Tigerstix, the team I will be playing for. It was really great to finally meet most of the girls and get to play with them. Our coach is a woman who used to live in Canada and apparently was an assistant coach for the women's national team for a little while. She is nice and real skilled. Training was quite interesting because the Div. 1 trains with the Div 2 team. The Div 2 team is made up of a lot of older women, for example some mom's who have some daughter's on my team, and some younger girls are on that team as well. The older women were actually pretty darn good and it was enjoyable to watch them since I have never really seen people their age play before at a decent level. (Disclaimer: Tracey, I know you are a GREAT player and this information does not include you). As you may expect it was another hot practice, and I am starting to get worried for our games which are during the day. I mean if it is this hot at 7:30 at night I can only imagine how unbearable it will be for me during the day.
Another interesting thing about our training sessions is that they are only an hour and half long! They go by so quickly. . . which is good for now I guess since I apparently can't take the heat.
Oh there is also a girl here from Germany, she's 19, and is here for several months. It's nice not being the only one not from Australia. Don't worry Sal and Trace, I will be very nice to her so maybe I can get her to come play for BU. haha.
Anyways, that is all for now.