Saturday, February 21, 2009

Things learned

I think the jet lag is finally over!!!!

Alright, so these are some things I have learned since I’ve been here. . .

Peanut butter is called peanut paste.

The bathroom includes the shower, sink, and tub. . .no toilet. The toilet has its own room. So if you say “I am going to the bathroom” that means you are going to shower, so you must say” I am going to the toilet” (sounds strange huh? . . .not for you though Trace).

It’s normal for there to be lizards in the house.

Storms pass through once every day (usually late afternoon).

They don’t eat nearly as much as I do (no joke!)

“Arvo” means afternoon.

“Bloke” means man.

“Onya” means congrats or good for you.

I have also learned how the public transportation system works. I must say I took living in the Boston for granted. Its not as easy to get around here.

Tomorrow I will go to a town called Ipswich, which is about an hour north, and then inland a bit, or as they say, hinterland. Karina is playing in a game there and so is her cousin, Izzy, who seems to spend a lot of time here at the house.

That is all for now.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're becoming acquainted with the local dialect. If any blokes start hassling you tell 'em I'll hit 'em on the side of the head with a spanner, throw them into the boot and drive off into the bush ........... BTW have you opened Bill Bryson's book? You'll learn more than about the lizards who share your home - hahaha!!!
    Do you have a mobile yet?
