On Friday I spent the day in Brisbane at the footy (aka rugby game). We got there around 3:30 and watch the U21 Brisbane broncos play the St George dragons and following that game was the pro Broncos vs Dragons game. It was soooo fun. . .we were sititng in the 2nd row right behind the end zone. The players were literally 10 feet away from us and we were going crazy. We had a couple of beers and did our best to get on the big screen. . . it didn’t happen though. Haha. The stadium was huge and there were apparently 45,000 people there. It was such an exciting game and I am absolutely going to try and go to another one before I leave.
On Saturday I spent the day at the field watching our Div 3, 2, and 1 men’s teams play. It’s great being able to watch men’s hockey since obviously we don’t have that back home. After the game some of us went out to a pub and had a couple of drinks. . .i guess there is no “72 hour no drinking” rule down here. Haha. I have found my favorite beer down here, its called a blonde. Perfect name for me. Apparently its low carb too.
So Sunday we won our game, 2-0. It was the most intense game yet. . .it was very feisty and there was lots of trash talking from the other team. In the end it just backfired for them because we still won even though they were trying to get under our skin. One girl even slide tackled one of my teamies and took her out! It was absolutely terrible and there was only a verbal warning given by the ref. Anyways, we won so that was good. After the game all the div 2 and div 3 men and women’s teams were there and there was a bbq and lots of drinking. The older men and women can drink heaps! I’ve never seen such a thing. And beers at the club house are only $2.50 which is pretty darn cheap! I only had a couple of beers but we had a real good time and it was fun meeting some new people and spending time with the girls on the team.
Monday morning we were planning on going to a friends, Charlotte’s, farm, but it was raining all day Sunday so we figured we were gonna make it. Last minute 8am Monday morning she called us and said we could go so we got ready and left by 8:30. This trip was so far the highlight of my time here. The farm is in Numinbah valley,about an hour from here and the hills around it are beautiful! There were hundreds of cows and bulls and I learned how to feed them and how to round them up. . .there were some baby calves which were born last week and were so adorable and I even saw some kangaroos! I also learned how to stack and unload hay bails. . .between Charlotte, Karina and I we unloaded 150 hay bails off of a flat bed truck. It was hard work but we made it fun. There was a gorgeous sunset Monday night and we bbq and just had a really relaxing evening. This morning we woke up and it was sorta raining so we hung inside after feeding the animals and then left early in the afternoon but stopped by this gorgeous waterfall on the way home! Also, a glowworm cave was next to the waterfall but since it was day time we couldn’t see them. The hike to the falls was about 30 mins and the scenery was absolutely gorgeous! I took tons of pictures and am so glad we were able to go. I have never really been to a real farm like this, they raise cattle for eating (i know, very sad) and they have cows for dairy. It was so peaceful out there but being a farmer is clearly a lot of hard work and seems very time consuming.
Anyways, on Thursday we are going to head up to Karina's gradparent's house up on Mount Tamborine. . .apparently the views and scenery up there is even better than at the farm. :) We will see.

Me, Izzy and Karina before the rugby game.

Me unloading hay at the farm, and the Natural Bridge waterfall.
There's nothing like working on a farm to make you realize how much work goes into farming.